Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Trip 02: Seattle, Washington

After our late night back to Seattle from Tampa (and adventures with sentient trash cans), I was back in Seattle for a whopping two days before my next flight out!

One of those days was spent setting up my new netbook, which I have to say is very shiny and makes taking a computer with me on these trips a whole lot easier, and double-checking what I was leaving behind versus what I was taking with me.  The second day was spent at a work event - the reason I flew back to Seattle in the first place!

The two cool things about this event were that it allowed me entry onto a military base, and that I got to drive the company Mustang through the driving course.  Oh, and get called "Officer Beth" by a bunch of kids who thought I was a police officer.  Hey, I'll take what I can get!

As nice as it was to be back home, the quick turnaround from the East Coast to the West Coast and then back again was pretty rough.
But the kitties were super cute when I was home!
After just two days in Seattle (one of which was my second day off in June... it was a busy month, what can I say!), it was time to board a plane again and head off to my third event of the month: Atlanta, Georgia!

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