Thursday, August 11, 2011

Trip 11: Indianapolis, Indiana

Our first day in Indianapolis was another rest day - not a reset day for our driving hours, but an extra day built into the schedule in case it took longer for us to drive north than expected.  We had a meeting in the morning, and then spent the afternoon lazing about before doing dinner with the local event agents.

The next day we went out to our event site - one of the parking lots for Lucas Oil Stadium, where the Indianapolis Colts play.  I have to say, it was probably the coolest site we've been at so far!

D and I before the event started, in our oh-so-lovely uniforms!
It was hot, but we managed to stay cool and hydrated.  I was off of my "happy pills", so I was allowed to drive and help out more again... so I very considerately made sure that everyone else was keeping hydrated as well, by judicious use of my newly-acquired squirt guns.  Water guns + cooler ice water + coworkers = glory.

After the event, though, came the best part - a private tour of Lucas Oil Stadium!  The lady who gave us the tour really loved taking us around.  We visited the private boxes, the press boxes, and a lot of the behind-the-scenes rooms like the press rooms and the interview rooms.  The stadium is only a few years old, and it looks really great since they're getting it ready for the upcoming Super Bowl.

We got to go into the locker rooms... guess who's locker this is?

...And out onto the field itself!  That was clearly the best part of the tour.  D had bought a football in Charlotte, and we brought it with us to play some catch down on the fake grass.  We had a blast running around - even though it was still ridiculously hot out and all of us were pretty tired from the event!

J2, J, D, R, me, and L.  We will mess you up (even if J is penalized for a false start).

All the guys kicked field goals, but since I was wearing sandals (I wouldn't have changed if I'd known field goals were in the works!) I contented myself with doing front handsprings on the 50 yard line.  There's my bragging rights for the summer!

me, D, L, R, J2 (hiding) and J.  J2 was just out for this event; otherwise, that's the summer team!
We just had an absolute blast playing around in that stadium - really, one of the funnest afternoons of the trip so far.  And it turned out to be L's birthday, as well, so we wound up going out to dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe in celebration that night!  Not a bad way to say farewell to Indy...


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